Solicitor - Monthly Excise Tax Reporting
Beer Sales to Wholesale Dealers
- Wholesaler License Number: Supply the license number of the Missouri Wholesaler that received the shipment.
- Wholesaler Name: Provide the Missouri Wholesaler name, as licensed with Missouri. Do not report using the DBA name.
- City: Several of our Wholesalers have more than one location. It is very important that the correct city be provided for each shipment.
- Invoice Number and Date: Each invoice must be listed individually, noting the invoice number and the total gallonage for that invoice. Invoice numbers should only be used once. Submit a copy of every invoice with your report.
- Report all samples.
- Gallons: Report total gallonage shipped. Do not report cases shipped. Do not report credits.
Microbrewery/Beer Manufacturer Report of Taxable Sales
- Enter Package Size Here: Across the top in the boxes provided please list package sizes shipped, for example 1/6 barrel or 12/24 oz.
- To Whom Sold: List the name of the Missouri Wholesaler shipped to and their address.
- Boxes: Enter the number of each package size shipped on each invoice.
- Total Sales: Each column will be automatically totaled. Carry these totals forward to the Brewers and Outstate Solicitors' Monthly Report and Tax Computation.
Brewers and Outstate Solicitors' Monthly Report and Tax Computation
- Tax on malt liquor is $.06 per gallon.
- Container Size in Ounces: If the container size is not listed, please list the container size in ounces.
- Containers Per Case: Enter the number of bottles/cans per case.
- Number of Cases Sold: List the number of cases sold and the taxes will be calculated automatically.
- Number of Barrels Sold: List the number of barrels sold and the taxes will be calculated automatically.
- Number Sold Liters/Milliliters: List the total number sold. Please note: if you have 2/5 liters in a package, multiply the number of packages by two.
- Submit two copies of the Brewers and Outstate Solicitors Monthly Report and Tax Computation.
Application for Credit of Missouri Excise Tax
All credits must be reported on the Application for Credit of Missouri Excise Tax. If application is approved, a credit memo will be issued for use on a future report. Credits are not issued for products transferred to a Wholesaler in another state (Regulation 11 CSR 70-2.150).