October 11, 2017

Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Conducts Tobacco Merchant Training in Springfield

Keith C. Hendrickson, Acting State Supervisor of the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, announces the division conducted a free training opportunity for merchants of tobacco, e-cigarettes and vapor products. The training covered a wide range of topics, including: federal laws restricting the sale and distribution of tobacco products, restrictions on advertising and promoting cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products, identifying fake IDs/driver’s license and e-cigarettes and vapor products legislation. 

The training is designed to assist owners, managers and front line staff of tobacco, e-cigarette and vapor establishments with proper service techniques for the sale of tobacco products.  The training was supported by funding made available through the Healthy Family Trust Funds.  The training was held at the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame, 3861 E. Stan Musial Drive, Springfield, MO on Oct. 3, 2017.  Eighty-two people attended the training.

Acting State Supervisor Hendrickson thanks those in attendance for their commitment to the proper sale of tobacco products and for their continued efforts to make Missouri a safer and healthier place for all.

If you are a retailer in need of tobacco merchant training please contact Special Agent Todd Doerhoff in the Jefferson City Office at (573) 751-4092 or



For more information, call 573-751-5432 or e-mail